BSAP » Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice


Restorative Justice:

  1. Is a way of thinking and responding to conflict. Restorative Justice is concerned with making things as right as possible for all involved.

  2. Recognizes that responding to conflict is important and a way of building safe and healthy school environments.

  3. Is not permissive. It promotes that school communities work cooperatively and constructively with conflict at the earliest possible time before it escalates. 

  4. Recognizes that violations of rules are also indicators of transgressions and offenses against person, relationships and community.

  5. Addresses the harms and needs created by and related to conflict, disputes, and misconduct.

  6. Holds the harmed and the harmer accountable to recognize harm, repair wrongdoing as much as possible and creates trust in the community.

  7. Empowers the harmed, harmer, and the school community to participate in recognizing harm done, repairing relationships and creating safe and healthy environments.

  8. Repairs relationships and reintegrates the harmer back into the school community.

  9. Promotes maximum use of voluntary and cooperative participation to repair harm.

  10. Restorative Justice promotes administrators and school staff to provide oversight, assistance and support when individuals are not cooperative.

  11. Is measured by its outcome, not just the process. Do the harmed emerge from the Restorative Justice response feeling respected and safe?  Are the participants motivated and empowered to make things as right as possible?  Did the harmer take responsibility for their actions?  Are the responses by staff, community and individuals respectful, reasonable and restorative for everyone?

  12. Recognizes and encourages the role of community to work cooperatively to build a positive environment.